Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you need a blood sample?
We will test the blood samples for specific proteins that are part of the immune system. We will use the blood to see if there’s a relationship between having certain levels of these proteins, using alcohol, and having mental health problems.  Scientists know that using alcohol is associated with certain health problems, but we don’t know a lot about what actually happens in the body. To study these processes, scientists need blood samples.
What happens to my blood sample? Why is it being stored? What will it be tested for?
Your blood sample will go to the Alcohol Research Group where it will be stored until it is sent for testing at the Laboratory for Human Biology Research at Northwestern University. The people who work in the lab will use the blood to test for the levels of immune proteins present in the blood. With your permission, we will store any leftover blood in a locked freezer at the Laboratory for Human Biology Research for up to five years. We will do this because blood tests for other proteins of the immune system that may be relevant to alcohol’s effect on mental health could become available later. If we have not tested the sample in five years or if any is leftover, we will destroy it at that time. We will only test for proteins of the immune system. We will not do any DNA testing, ever. If you don’t want your sample to be stored, you can still participate in this study without having your sample stored. If you agree to have your sample stored and then change your mind later, just let us know and we will destroy it immediately.
Will I get any feedback/results from the study?
This research is exploratory. We don’t know what the levels of the proteins in the blood mean. Because of this, and because your data will be de-identified to protect your privacy, we will not provide any results or feedback from this study.
How will my information be protected?
We have taken a number of steps in place to protect your privacy.

  • We will keep all information in files on secure and password-protected computers.
  • Your sample will be stored in a locked freezer at both the Alcohol Research Group and the Laboratory.
  • The people who work at the Laboratory will never have access to your name or address.
  • We will group your information with data from everyone else who takes part in the study.
  • Your name will never appear on any reports, papers, or presentations connected with this study.
  • As a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, we automatically receive a Certificate of Confidentiality issued by the Federal Government. This Certificate’s protection applies to your blood sample and survey data. The Certificate protects us from being required to reveal your identity or the information you give us, even under court order, unless you give written permission for us to do so. Additional details can be found at
What’s in it for me?
People take part in research for many reasons. These might include helping to move science forward, to help future generations, because they see problems caused by alcohol in their communities or in someone close to them. Alcohol problems affect many families in our country. That is why your participation in this study matters so much! While there are no known direct benefits from participating, many people who participate in health studies say they feel good about contributing to science that could help their communities.
When do I need to return my sample?
You need to mail your kit within 3 weeks of receiving your kit to receive your $40 gift code.
What if I don’t get the kit or you don’t get my sample? What if I mess up when collecting my sample?
The kit will contain an email and telephone number you can call if there is a problem.  As long as we have extra kits, we can send you a replacement.  Please read all of the instructions carefully before collecting your sample. If you don’t receive a kit or need a replacement, please send an email to, or call us at 1-510-898-5800.
Who should I contact with questions?
If you have questions or need help returning your sample, please contact us at 1-510-898-5800 or email us at

Information about confidentiality and protection of human subjects can be obtained from the Institutional Review Board at the Public Health Institute. For this information, please make a collect call to Robert McLaughlin (510-285-5542).

If you have further questions about the project, please feel free to contact Study Director Priscilla Martinez, PhD, by making a collect call to 510-898-5800 or sending an email to